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Champlain Wellness

Centered on Feeling Good

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At Champlain Wellness

Champlain Wellness offers a natural and holistic approach to medicine by promoting health and wellness through effective alternatives to traditional medicine. Led by Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Felipe Toro, we utilize the healing benefits of acupuncture, herbs, massage and Qi Gong. At Champlain Wellness it is our responsibility as healthcare practitioners to not only provide our healing services, but also to encourage and educate our patients on their own self-care.

Join Doctor Felipe at Champlain Wellness on our journey through feeling good.


Champlain Wellness offers a series of medical services designed to heal the entire human body and unlock the strength of self-healing. All of our treatments are focused on making you feel good. Our team is well experienced and passionate about each person's individual health goals. We're here to help.

Musculoskeletal pain/ joint pain

 Post-stroke rehabilitation

Post-surgery rehabiltation

Digestive Health

Women's health

Stress Relief

What Patients Say

“Dr. Felipe's bodywork is the best I have ever had.”

Jim Mannix, San Francisco, CA


"I must undertake to love myself and to respect myself

and to respect myself as though my very life depends upon self-love

and self-respect"

Contact Us

527 Ferry Road

Charlotte, VT 05445


Tel: 802.989.9031

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